روان شناسی و مشاوره::
پاسخ فوبیک
Troublesome behaviors like phobic responses, losing one's temper, jumping to conclusions and many of those behaviors we call "bad habits" are examples of how we may generalize strategies that are or were appropriate and adaptive in certain past or present contexts into situations in which they become inappropriate.
Outside the therapeutic context of her office when she was working with her clients, this particular therapist would have a strong phobic response to any mention of blood or gore, or in response to any threatening gesture or tonality regardless of whether the gesture was feigned or an actual threat.
The strategy in operation during her phobic response was a simple but powerful Vi ?
The following is a transcript of how the author ("A") utilized the therapist's ("T") resource strategy to help her overcome the phobic response.
The transcript begins after the author has re-elicited the phobic response so that he may work with it.
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